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A Note of Explanation This is a working research file, which will be periodically updated. Except for Andrew B and Sarah, it contains only people born in Denmark. Most of these are family members, marked with a C prefix (for Christensen) in the identification code. A few (with F prefix for 'former') were once thought to be related; a small number are marked either P (for possible) or X (once possible but shown not to be). The numbers after the C indicate the relationship; these follow the numbers of a pedigree (or Ahnentafel) chart in which Andrew B is number 1 (C1). For example, C14 would be Else K.'s maternal grandfather; C14-1 would be his first child (not Else K.'s mother, who would be C7); C14-1-3w would be the wife of the third child of C14-1, etc. As I have worked through the records, my practice has been to include more than only direct line ancestors. At a minimum, I have tried to include the ancestor's siblings, siblings' spouses, siblings' children (often with spouses), and spouses' parents, as well as any other marriages. This seems to me closer to our own experience of an extended family. Though it has some extensions to what was known before-most importantly a five-generation extension from Else K's maternal grandmother Else Andersdatter (C15)-the file does not yet contain all individuals known from Else K.'s and Laurs M. C.'s temple record book or from the work based on them done by their granddaughter Virginia C. Keeler, mostly in the 1950s. The reason for this is that I have, in general, avoided entering names and dates which I have not yet verified and documented from original sources (parish registers, census, probates, etc.). This documentation of events in Denmark is basically complete for four generations from Andrew B, and for many others as well. (Documentation is found in the general Notes to each entry, rather than under Sources for each event; the Sources format is a later feature of PAF.) But there is still much to be done in the future. To see where the lines end as far as we now know, family members will want to consult the large pedigree chart Virginia Keeler did based mostly upon the early work by Andrew B's parents. (I can supply a xeroxed copy.) With respect to the chart Virginia Keeler made, it should be mentioned that three errors have been identified so far: numbers 24, 25, and 29 are incorrect (but have been corrected in the GST file). A further caution: all four of Else K.'s grandparents are incorrect in the Ancestral File (which is no longer correctable). If you have questions about this research file, or work that may have been done since it was last posted, please feel free to contact me (801-373-0856 or Happy exploring! George Tate
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